乔纳森·本杰明 (Jonathan Benjamin) 在新西兰格洛里亚维尔基督教社区犯下多项儿童性犯罪罪,被判处 11 年零 10 个月监禁。 Jonathan Benjamin, convicted of multiple child sexual offenses at Gloriavale Christian community, NZ, sentenced to 11 years and 10 months in prison.
乔纳森·本杰明 (Jonathan Benjamin) 因在新西兰格洛里亚维尔 (Gloriavale) 基督教社区对儿童实施多项性犯罪而被判处 11 年零 10 个月监禁。 Jonathan Benjamin, convicted of multiple sexual offenses against children at the Gloriavale Christian community in NZ, has been sentenced to 11 years and 10 months in prison. 本杰明被判犯有 11 项罪名,其中至少一名受害者年龄为 12 岁或以下。 Benjamin was found guilty of 11 charges, with at least one victim being 12 years old or younger. 判决是在格雷茅斯地方法院进行的,受害者宣读了影响陈述,导致一些人流下了眼泪。 The sentencing took place in the Greymouth District Court, where victims read impact statements, causing some to break down in tears.