副市长Joe Cobb以59票赢得了Roanoke的市长竞选,促使可能进行重新计票。 Vice Mayor Joe Cobb won Roanoke's mayoral race by 59 votes, prompting a possible recount.
在弗吉尼亚州的罗阿诺克,副市长乔·科布以15,221票赢得了市长竞选,击败了获得15,162票的前市长大卫·鲍尔斯。 In Roanoke, Virginia, Vice Mayor Joe Cobb narrowly won the mayoral race with 15,221 votes, defeating former Mayor David Bowers who received 15,162 votes. 独立候选人斯蒂芬妮·穆恩以10 271票当选第三。 Independent candidate Stephanie Moon came in third with 10,271 votes. 59票的接近差幅促使鲍尔斯与法律顾问审查其选择,因为如果差幅低于总票数的1%,国家法律允许重新计票。 The close margin of 59 votes has prompted Bowers to review his options with legal advisors, as state law allows for a recount if the margin is less than 1% of the total votes. Cobb感谢他的支持者,并强调了每一次投票的重要性。 Cobb thanked his supporters and highlighted the importance of every vote.