Roanoke的新市长Joe Cobb和三名新的市议员宣誓就职,标志着地方政治的转变。 Roanoke's new mayor, Joe Cobb, and three new city council members were sworn in, marking a shift in local politics.
Roanoke的新市长Joe Cobb和市议会成员于12月30日宣誓就职。 Roanoke's new mayor, Joe Cobb, and city council members were sworn in on December 30th. Cobb,民主党人,在重新计票后赢得了一场激烈竞争的市长竞选,击败了共和党人David Bowers。 Cobb, a Democrat, won a closely contested mayoral race after a recount, defeating Republican David Bowers. 市议会欢迎三名新来者:Terry McGuire、Phazhon Nash和Nick Hagan,这是24年来第一个当选的共和党人。 The city council welcomed three newcomers: Terry McGuire, Phazhon Nash, and Nick Hagan, the first Republican elected in 24 years. Cobb强调团结和变革,而委员会则计划启动一个进程,填补Cobb移到市长职位所造成的空缺席位。 Cobb emphasized unity and change, while the council plans to initiate a process to fill the vacant seat created by Cobb's move to mayor.