美国的婴儿死亡率在2023年没有变化,但种族差异仍然存在。 U.S. infant mortality rate unchanged in 2023, but racial disparities persist.
据疾控中心称,2023年美国婴儿死亡率保持在每1 000活产5.61例死亡,与2022年相似。 The U.S. infant mortality rate in 2023 stayed at 5.61 deaths per 1,000 live births, similar to 2022, according to the CDC. 然而,种族差异依然存在,黑人婴儿的死亡率比白人和亚洲婴儿的死亡率高出一倍多。 However, racial disparities persist, with Black infants dying at more than double the rate of white and Asian infants. 黑人母亲早产率较高和获得产前护理的机会有限等因素加剧了这些差异。 Factors such as higher preterm birth rates among Black mothers and limited access to prenatal care contribute to these disparities. 专家们建议采取政策,支持怀孕个人,特别是来自处境不利背景的孕妇解决这些问题。 Experts recommend policies that support pregnant individuals, especially from disadvantaged backgrounds, to address these issues.