美国孕产妇死亡人数上升,心理健康问题现已成为首要原因,影响新母亲,特别是有色人种的妇女。 Maternal deaths in the U.S. rise, with mental health issues now the top cause, affecting new mothers, especially women of color.
在美国,新母亲的产妇死亡率正在上升,心理健康疾病是死亡的主要原因。 Maternal mortality rates are rising among new mothers in the U.S., with mental health disorders being the leading cause of death. 尽管在解决诸如产后抑郁症等问题方面取得了进展,但护理方面仍然存在重大障碍,尤其影响到有色妇女。 Despite progress in addressing issues like postpartum depression, significant barriers to care remain, particularly affecting women of color. 超过20%的新母亲的死亡与自杀和吸毒过量有关,突出表明需要改善心理健康支助。 Over 20% of new mothers' deaths are linked to suicide and overdose, highlighting the need for improved mental health support.