Sin Féin议员呼吁成立公民大会, 准备建立统一的爱尔兰, Sinn Féin MP calls for a citizens' assembly to prepare for a united Ireland, citing healthcare and economy.
Sin Féin的Padraig Mac Lochlainn呼吁召开公民大会, 准备建立统一的爱尔兰, 强调需要解决保健和经济等关键问题。 Sinn Féin's Padraig Mac Lochlainn has called for a citizens' assembly to prepare for a potential united Ireland, emphasizing the need to address key issues like healthcare and economy. 他敦促下届政府采取负责任的行动,避免发生类似布雷斯特的危机。 He urged the next government to act responsibly to avoid a crisis similar to Brexit. Mac Lochlainn也批评政府未在即将举行的选举前执行《被占领土法案》。 Mac Lochlainn also criticized the government for not implementing the Occupied Territories Bill before the upcoming election.