新芬党领导人敦促英国和爱尔兰为到2030年实现统一公民投票做好准备。 Sinn Féin leader urges UK and Ireland to prepare for reunification referendum by 2030.
Sin Féin的Mary Lou McDonald敦促英国和爱尔兰政府为爱尔兰统一做准备,包括设立统一部长。 Sinn Féin's Mary Lou McDonald urges both the UK and Irish governments to prepare for Irish reunification, including creating a minister for unification. 她坚持按照《受难节协议》的规定,在本十年结束时举行全民投票。 She insists on holding referendums by the end of the decade as stipulated by the Good Friday Agreement. 尽管新芬党选举失败, 但麦当劳认为关于团结的谈话应该包括北爱尔兰所有社群。 Despite Sinn Féin's election loss, McDonald maintains that the conversation on unity should include all Northern Irish communities.