一名新南威尔士州高级警官在2023年隧道撞车后据称醉酒驾车,可能面临较轻的指控。 A senior NSW police officer may face a lesser charge for alleged drunk driving after a 2023 tunnel crash.
新南威尔士州一名名叫“AB”的高级警官在据称于2023年5月饮酒时撞上一辆工作车进入悉尼隧道后,可能面临酒后驾车而不是高浓度酒精的较轻指控。 A senior NSW police officer, nicknamed "AB," could face a lesser charge of drink driving instead of high-range alcohol concentration after allegedly crashing a work car into a Sydney tunnel while intoxicated in May 2023. 该名军官逃离现场,以避免呼吸测试。 The officer fled the scene to avoid a breath test. 这个案件以法律保密为特征,引起媒体的极大关注,将于11月22日审理。 The case, marked by legal secrecy, has attracted significant media attention and will be heard on November 22.