Sajad Lone的“人民会议”计划在印度最高法院挑战与家庭有关的警察核查程序。 Sajad Lone's Peoples' Conference plans to challenge a family-linked police verification process in India's Supreme Court.
由查谟和克什米尔的Sajad Lone领导的人民会议计划向最高法院的警察核查进程提出挑战。 The Peoples' Conference, led by Sajad Lone in Jammu and Kashmir, plans to challenge the police verification process in the Supreme Court. 缔约国认为,该制度不公正地惩罚了整个家庭,其依据是一名亲属的记录,类似于最高法院最近对拆毁房屋作为集体惩罚的批评。 The party argues that the system unfairly punishes entire families based on a relative's record, similar to recent Supreme Court criticism of demolishing homes as collective punishment. Lone的目的是结束他所称的J&K中过时的司法系统。 Lone aims to end what he calls an outdated justice system in J&K.