印度内政部长呼吁把重点放在城市治安、边境安全和反恐上。 Indian Home Minister calls for focusing on urban policing, border security, and counter-terrorism.
联盟内政部长阿米特·沙阿强调,在布巴内斯瓦尔举行的年度政府治理方案/政府治理方案会议期间,安全机构需要重点关注沿东部边界的城市治安、移民和安全等新出现的挑战。 Union Home Minister Amit Shah emphasized the need for security agencies to focus on emerging challenges like urban policing, immigration, and security along the eastern border during the annual DGPs/IGPs conference in Bhubaneswar. 由纳伦德拉·莫迪总理出席的为期三天的活动也讨论了反恐、左翼极端主义、沿海安全和新刑法等问题。 The three-day event, attended by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, also discussed counter-terrorism, left-wing extremism, coastal security, and new criminal laws. Shah赞扬警察成功举行2024年大选和执行新法律,呼吁对恐怖主义采取零容忍态度。 Shah praised the police for the successful conduct of the 2024 general elections and the implementation of new laws, calling for a zero-tolerance approach to terrorism.