Isaac Thompson因在佐治亚的“爱三角形”中杀死Aquandis Foston被判无期徒刑。 Isaac Thompson sentenced to life for killing Aquandis Foston in a Georgia "love triangle."
24 岁的艾萨克·汤普森 (Isaac Thompson) 因在佐治亚州迪卡尔布县的“三角恋”事件中杀死 22 岁的阿昆迪斯·福斯顿 (Aquandis Foston) 而被判处终身监禁,不得假释。 Isaac Thompson, 24, was sentenced to life in prison without parole for killing Aquandis Foston, 22, in a DeKalb County, Georgia, "love triangle" incident. 福斯顿被他的女朋友邀请去汤普森的镇民住宅后 被枪杀了 Foston was shot after being invited to Thompson's townhouse by his girlfriend. Thompson被判犯有重罪谋杀、严重伤害罪和重罪期间持有枪支罪。 Thompson was convicted of felony murder, aggravated assault, and firearm possession during a felony. 他的女朋友Makayla Bolston 面临与引诱Foston到那个地点有关的指控。 His girlfriend, Makayla Bolston, faces charges related to luring Foston to the location.