Angelo Thompson 21岁 在北查尔斯顿麦当劳枪击后因谋杀未遂被捕 Angelo Thompson, 21, arrested for attempted murder after shooting at North Charleston McDonald's.
21岁的Angelo Thompson因与1月6日在北查尔斯顿的麦当劳枪击事件有关而被捕并被指控犯有谋杀未遂罪。 Angelo Thompson, 21, was arrested and charged with attempted murder in connection with a shooting at a McDonald's in North Charleston on January 6. 受害人在餐馆内中弹,晚上7: 30左右被警员发现。 Thompson在美国帮助下,在迈尔斯路被捕。 The victim, shot inside the restaurant, was found by officers around 7:30 p.m. Thompson was apprehended on Myers Road with the help of the U.S. 法警工作队和伯克利县副手,目前被关押在Al Cannon拘留中心。 Marshals Task Force and Berkeley County deputies, and is currently in custody at the Al Cannon Detention Center.