HDFC银行发起了建立SMART教室和向贫困学生提供奖学金的运动。 HDFC Bank launches campaign to set up SMART classrooms and offer scholarships to underprivileged students.
HDFC银行在儿童节发起了名为#littleSmilesBigDreams的数字运动, HDFC Bank launched a digital campaign called #LittleSmilesBigDreams on Children's Day as part of its CSR initiative, Parivartan. 该运动突出了银行对教育的承诺,旨在到2025年在3 500所学校设立SMART教室,并向25 000名贫困学生提供奖学金。 The campaign highlights the bank's commitment to education, aiming to set up SMART classrooms in 3,500 schools and provide scholarships to 25,000 underprivileged students by 2025. 自2014年以来,Parivatan在教育和其他领域投资了5,100亿印度卢比,影响超过2.16名农村学生,支持2.87万所学校。 Since 2014, Parivartan has invested over INR 5,100 crore in education and other areas, impacting over 2.16 crore students and supporting 2.87 lakh schools.