领导人聚集在帕塔纳,推动印度的公共教育,以女孩和边缘化社区为重点。 Leaders gather in Patna to advance India's public education, focusing on girls and marginalized communities.
在比哈尔邦帕塔举行的一次重要活动汇集了各部门的领导人,讨论改善印度公共教育系统的问题,重点是女孩和边缘化社区。 A significant event in Patna, Bihar, brought together leaders from various sectors to discuss improving India's public education system, focusing on girls and marginalized communities. Shikshagraha运动旨在到2030年加强100万所公立学校,推出Shikshagraha奖以表彰教育贡献。 The Shikshagraha movement, aiming to enhance one million public schools by 2030, introduced the Shikshagraha Awards to recognize educational contributions. 该活动突出了一些举措,如在29 000多所学校开展基于项目的学习,使60万名学生受益,培训了11 000名教师。 The event highlighted initiatives like Project-Based Learning in over 29,000 schools, benefiting 60 lakh students, and training 11,000 teachers.