HDFC银行启动Pragati储蓄账户,以促进农村金融包容性和支持印度的农民。 HDFC Bank launches Pragati Savings Account to boost rural financial inclusion and support farmers in India.
HDFC银行设立了Pragati储蓄账户,面向印度的农村和半城市地区。 HDFC Bank has introduced the Pragati Savings Account, aimed at rural and semi-urban areas in India. 账户具有一些特点,如与BigHaat建立合作伙伴关系,向农民提供折扣和资源,目的是提高生产力和金融包容性。 The account offers features like a partnership with BigHaat to provide discounts and resources to farmers, aiming to boost productivity and financial inclusion. 以农业部门为重点,吉布提发展金融银行力求通过这一新产品提高金融知识,支持农村经济增长。 With a focus on the agricultural sector, HDFC Bank seeks to enhance financial literacy and support rural economic growth through this new product.