在苏丹使用的法国制造的军事技术违反联合国武器禁运,大赦国际的报告。 French-made military tech used in Sudan violates UN arms embargo, Amnesty International reports.
大赦国际发现,苏丹境内阿联酋制造的装甲车正在使用法国制造的军事技术,这有可能违反联合国对达尔富尔的武器禁运。 Amnesty International has found that French-made military technology is being used on UAE-built armored vehicles in Sudan, likely violating the UN arms embargo on Darfur. 加利克斯防御系统由法国制造,安装在苏丹快速支援部队使用的这些车辆上。 The Galix defense system, manufactured in France, is fitted on these vehicles used by Sudan's Rapid Support Forces. 大赦呼吁法国停止向阿联酋供应武器,呼吁联合国将武器禁运扩大到苏丹全境。 Amnesty calls for France to halt supply to the UAE and for the UN to extend the arms embargo to all of Sudan.