德里面临严重的空气质量问题,造成健康问题,并要求为儿童使用强制性面具。 Delhi faces severe air quality, causing health issues and calls for mandatory masks for children.
德里的空气质量已经达到严重的水平,导致哮喘和青蒿素综合症等呼吸道问题增加。 Delhi's air quality has reached severe levels, leading to a rise in respiratory issues like asthma and COPD. Ixigo CEO Aloke Bajpai批评居民没有戴面罩和缺乏提高公众健康意识的运动。 Ixigo CEO Aloke Bajpai criticized residents for not wearing masks and for the lack of public health awareness campaigns. Bajpai强调了N99面罩的重要性,有些则建议搬迁到较清洁的地区。 Bajpai emphasized the importance of N99 masks, while some suggested relocating to cleaner areas. 儿科医生Sahab Ram博士报告说,儿童中感冒、咳嗽和哮喘袭击有所增加,敦促政府强制规定12岁以下者必须戴面具。 Pediatrician Dr. Sahab Ram reported an increase in colds, coughs, and asthma attacks among children, urging the government to make masks compulsory for those under 12.