Bugatti的14.7M W16 Mistral将新纪录创为世界最快的露天汽车282英里。 Bugatti's $14.7M W16 Mistral sets new record as world's fastest open-top car at 282 mph.
布加蒂的W16 Mistral将新的世界纪录 设定为最快的敞篷车 到达德国测试设施282英里 Bugatti's W16 Mistral has set a new world record as the fastest open-top car, reaching 282 mph at a German testing facility. 一次性车辆为1 470万美元,是私人收藏的一部分,所有99个生产单位都已出售。 The one-off, $14.7 million vehicle is part of a private collection and all 99 units in production have been sold. 这一记录是在没有确认标准双向运行的情况下取得的,对认证过程提出了一些疑问。 The record was achieved without confirmation of a standard two-way run, raising some questions about the certification process.