五个极速过山车已关闭,但新的纪录打破者即将开业。 句子末尾似乎无意中切换到了中文。 让我纠正一下:五个高速过山车已经关闭, 但一个新的破纪录车即将开张。 Five top-speed roller coasters are closed, but a new record-breaker is即将开业。 It appears there was an unintended switch to Chinese at the end of the sentence. Let me correct that: Five top-speed roller coasters are closed, but a new record-breaker is set to open soon.
世界上最快的五个过山车目前已关闭,但一个新的破纪录过山车即将开放。 Five of the world's fastest roller coasters are currently closed, but a new record-breaking coaster is set to open soon. 关闭的游乐设施包括 Kingda Ka 和 Formula Rossa 等标志性游乐设施,在记录簿上留下了空白。 The closures include iconic rides like Kingda Ka and Formula Rossa, leaving a gap in the record books. 即将到来的过山车有望获得世界上最快的过山车的称号,可能会吸引来自世界各地的寻求刺激的人。 The upcoming coaster, expected to claim the title of the world's fastest, will likely draw thrill-seekers from around the globe.