在Ellesmere港,妇女被蒙面电子自行车骑手击中;警察寻找证人。 Woman struck by masked eBike rider in Ellesmere Port; police seek witnesses.
10月12日下午8点左右, 在Ellesmere港, 一名身着黑色和滑雪面罩的摩托车骑手击中一名53岁的妇女。 A 53-year-old woman was hit by an eBike rider wearing all black and a ski mask in Ellesmere Port on October 12 around 8 pm. 骑手在碰撞后逃离现场,留下这名妇女的肋骨骨折,脚受伤。 The rider fled the scene after the collision, leaving the woman with a fractured rib and injured foot. Cheshire警察正在寻找证人和破碎摄像头录像;他们要求有信息的人在www.cheshire.police.uk/tell-us或打101或打101时联系他们,引用事件编号24000878296。 Cheshire Police are seeking witnesses and dashcam footage; they ask anyone with information to contact them at www.cheshire.police.uk/tell-us or call 101, quoting incident number 24000878296.