20岁的Chard摩托车手在Dorset的Eype附近坠毁12天后死亡;Dorset警察进行调查。 20-year-old Chard motorcyclist dies 12 days after crash near Eype, Dorset; Dorset Police investigate.
一名来自萨默塞特郡查德的20岁摩托车手于10月17日因10月5日在多塞特郡艾普附近发生的车祸而受重伤而死亡. A 20-year-old motorcyclist from Chard, Somerset, died on October 17 after sustaining serious injuries from a crash on October 5 near Eype, Dorset. 事件涉及A35号机上的一辆银色亚马哈摩托车,他在去世前住院12天。 The incident involved a silver Yamaha motorcycle on the A35, and he was hospitalized for 12 days before passing away. 德塞特警方正在调查事故, 寻找目击者或仪表盘摄像头的录像来协助调查. Dorset Police are investigating the accident and are seeking witnesses or dashcam footage to assist in their inquiries. 正在向死者家属提供支助。 Support is being offered to the deceased's family.