维多利亚州验尸官呼吁在前伴侣谋杀Noeline Dalzell之后对家庭暴力案件进行改革。 Victorian coroner calls for reforms in family violence cases after ex-partner murdered Noeline Dalzell.
Victorian Coroner John Cain呼吁在前伴侣James Fairhall杀害Noeline Dalzell后, 大幅改变政府处理家庭暴力案件的方式, Victorian Coroner John Cain has called for major changes to how the state handles family violence cases, following the murder of Noeline Dalzell by her ex-partner James Fairhall. Cain的建议包括对维多利亚州警察局的家庭暴力单位进行独立审查,各机构之间更好地分享信息,并在犯罪人获释时通知受害者。 Cain's recommendations include an independent review of Victoria Police's family violence units, better information sharing between agencies, and notifying victims when perpetrators are released. 尽管Dalzell的前伴侣执行家庭暴力干预令,但Dalzell仍被杀害,这突出表明了在保护受害者方面的系统性失败。 Dalzell was killed despite her ex-partner being on a family violence intervention order, highlighting systemic failures in protecting victims.