三名科罗拉多斯普林斯(Colorado Springs)个人被指控在2023年市长选举期间犯下仇恨犯罪骗局。 Three Colorado Springs individuals indicted for allegedly staging a hate crime hoax during a 2023 mayoral election.
来自科罗拉多斯普林斯的三人 被联邦大陪审团起诉 被控在2023年的市长决赛中 犯下仇恨犯罪骗局 Three individuals from Colorado Springs have been indicted by a federal grand jury for allegedly staging a hate crime hoax during the 2023 mayoral runoff election. Jr. Derrick Bernard, Ashely Blackcloud, 和Denna West被指控密谋焚烧十字架, 在竞选标志上喷洒种族污点, Derrick Bernard Jr., Ashely Blackcloud, and Deanna West are accused of conspiring to burn a cross and spray a racial slur on a campaign sign, then spreading false information about the incident. FBI在当地警察的帮助下领导了调查。 The FBI led the investigation with help from local police.