三名德克萨斯男子因在密苏里州的银行抢劫和自动取款机盗窃阴谋而被起诉, 3 Texas men indicted for bank robbery and ATM theft conspiracies in Missouri, Oct-Nov 2023.
三个得克萨斯人Nigel Dwane Luchin、Leo Smith和Christopher E. Merchant被联邦大陪审团起诉,罪名是他们在密苏里州银行抢劫和自动取款机盗窃共谋案中扮演的角色,涉及从10月3日至2023年11月8日偷取自动取款机。 Three Texas men, Nigel Dwane Luchin, Leo Smith, and Christopher E. Merchant, were indicted by a federal grand jury for their roles in bank robbery and ATM theft conspiracies related to thefts from ATMs in Missouri from Oct 3 to Nov 8, 2023. 这些人参与了一起阴谋,犯下银行入室盗窃和银行盗窃罪,史密斯被指控偷了一辆卡车用于 ATM 盗窃,而 Luchin 和 Merchant 则使用一辆偷来的福特 F-250 进行了另一次盗窃。 The men participated in a conspiracy to commit bank burglary and bank theft, with Smith accused of stealing a truck for an ATM theft and Luchin and Merchant using a stolen Ford F-250 for another. 他们面临多项指控,包括银行入室盗窃和银行盗窃。 They face multiple charges, including bank burglary and bank theft.