温哥华16岁的学生因在Snapchat上发文威胁炸弹而被捕; 没有发现爆炸物. 16-year-old at Heritage High School, Vancouver, arrested for posting bomb threat on Snapchat; no explosives found.
温哥华遗产高中的一名16岁学生因在Snapchat张贴炸弹威胁而被捕。 A 16-year-old student at Heritage High School in Vancouver was arrested for posting a bomb threat on Snapchat. 另一名学生报告的威胁导致立即调查,但该学生的物品中没有发现爆炸物或相关材料。 The threat, reported by another student, led to an immediate investigation, but no explosives or related materials were found in the student's belongings. 当局不认为威胁可信。 Authorities do not consider the threat credible. 这次事件标志着本学年对俄勒冈州和华盛顿西南部学校暴力威胁的第九次调查。 This incident marks the ninth investigation into school violence threats in Oregon and southwest Washington this school year.