警长办公室正在寻找在威斯康星州麦迪逊的监控中被发现的信用卡欺诈嫌疑人. Sheriff's office seeks debit card fraud suspect seen on surveillance in Madison, Wisconsin.
布朗郡治安官办公室正在寻找 11月10日在威斯康辛州麦迪逊购买的 借记卡欺诈嫌疑人 The Brown County Sheriff's Office is searching for a debit card fraud suspect who made purchases in Madison, Wisconsin on November 10th. Ernie酒类商店的监控录像显示嫌疑人使用了被盗的卡片信息,受害者仍然持有他们的卡片,表明卡片被偷盗。 Surveillance footage from Ernie's Liquor store shows the suspect using the stolen card information, and the victim still has their card, suggesting it was skimmed. 如果当局能够查明嫌疑人或提供信息,则敦促公众与Stueber副手联系(920) 321-8634。 Authorities urge the public to contact Deputy Stueber at (920) 321-8634 if they can identify the suspect or provide information.