在威斯康星州被捕的人 与明尼苏达州银行抢劫案有关 之前曾被判抢劫罪 Man arrested in Wisconsin connection to Minnesota bank robbery; has prior robbery conviction.
来自威斯康星州Janesville的51岁男子在威斯康星州Wilton被捕,他涉嫌在明尼苏达州Bloomington的银行抢劫。 A 51-year-old man from Janesville, Wisconsin, was arrested in Wilton, Wisconsin, in connection with a bank robbery in Bloomington, Minnesota. 当局在接到举报后,在住所外逮捕了他,威斯康辛州通缉令也通缉他。 Authorities apprehended him outside a residence after receiving a tip, and he is also wanted on a Wisconsin warrant. 嫌犯先前曾被判银行抢劫罪,现被关押在Monroe县监狱,等待引渡到明尼苏达州接受起诉。 The suspect, who has a previous bank robbery conviction, is being held in Monroe County Jail awaiting extradition to Minnesota to face charges.