报告强调新闻室面对过时系统的挑战,但注意到对AI的通过和升级持乐观态度。 Report highlights newsrooms' challenges with outdated systems but notes optimism with AI adoption and upgrades.
Dalet 和 Caretta Research 的报告“新闻室工作流的未来”, 突显了过时系统和预算削减等新闻操作中的挑战, 但也显示出乐观, 68%的专业人士对未来感到乐观。 Dalet and Caretta Research's report, "The Future of Newsroom Workflows," highlights challenges in news operations such as outdated systems and budget cuts, but also shows optimism with 68% of professionals feeling positive about their future. 关键结论包括采用AI工具和内容交付现代化的重要性,Dalet提供竞争性升级方案,以协助转型和节约成本。 Key findings include the importance of adopting AI tools and modernizing content delivery, with Dalet offering a Competitive Upgrade Program to aid in transformation and cost savings. 这项研究调查了世界各地的新闻专业人员,强调必须及时更新系统并高效地进行工作流程。 The study surveyed news professionals worldwide, emphasizing the need for timely system updates and efficient workflows.