美国地区有大量职位空缺,涵盖业务开发、媒体、IT 和数字编辑。 Numerous job openings across US regions, spanning business development, media, IT, and digital editing.
文章概述了美国各地区的众多职位空缺,突出了在企业发展、媒体、数字编辑和信息技术治理方面的作用。 The article outlines numerous job openings across various regions in the U.S., highlighting roles in business development, media, digital editing, and IT governance. 值得注意的职位包括业务发展主管、员工会计师、数字编辑和印刷机操作员,并有机会在 Lee Enterprises 和 The St. Louis Post-Dispatch 等公司工作。 Notable positions include Business Development Executive, Staff Accountant, Digital Editor, and Press Operator, with opportunities at companies like Lee Enterprises and The St. Louis Post-Dispatch. 名单符合不同的技能水平,包括全时、非全时和实习作用,鼓励申请人进一步探索。 The listings cater to diverse skill levels and include full-time, part-time, and internship roles, encouraging applicants to explore further.