半岛电视台AI会议的发言者强调在维护记者道德的同时要适应AI。 Speakers at the Al Jazeera AI conference stressed adapting to AI while upholding journalistic ethics.
半岛电视台关于媒体中的AI会议强调记者需要适应AI工具,以加强他们的工作,同时保持道德标准。 The Al Jazeera Conference on AI in Media highlighted the need for journalists to adapt to AI tools to enhance their work while maintaining ethical standards. 演讲者强调要平衡人工智能的好处,比如更快的编辑和研究, Speakers emphasized balancing AI's benefits, like faster editing and research, with the challenges of ethical and legal issues. 多哈会议重点讨论了新闻室的AI整合、AI培训方案的制定以及确保AI支持新闻廉正的重要性。 The conference in Doha featured discussions on AI integration in newsrooms, the development of AI training programs, and the importance of ensuring AI supports journalistic integrity.