宾夕法尼亚州共和党选择杰西·托珀共和国为2025年会议新领导人。 Pennsylvania Republicans select Rep. Jesse Topper as new floor leader for 2025 session.
宾夕法尼亚州共和党人选择杰西·托珀共和党人为下一届立法会议的新领导人,任期自2025年开始。 Pennsylvania Republicans chose Rep. Jesse Topper as their new floor leader for the upcoming legislative session, starting in 2025. 来自贝德福德县的五届众议员托普尔将领导少数党,因为众议院仍由民主党以微弱多数控制。 Topper, a five-term representative from Bedford County, will lead the minority party as the House remains under Democratic control with a narrow majority. 民主党重新选举了主要领导人,包括议长乔安娜·麦克林顿和多数党领袖马特·布拉德福德。 Democrats have re-elected their key leaders, including Speaker Joanna McClinton and Majority Leader Matt Bradford.