共和党的辞职将宾夕法尼亚州众议院的权力重新转移给民主党。 Republican's resignation shifts power back to Democrats in Pennsylvania House.
由于共和党议员乔·亚当斯的辞职,宾夕法尼亚州众议院的权力平衡发生了变化,倾向于民主党。 Pennsylvania House of Representatives experiences a shift in balance of power, leaning towards the Democrats due to the resignation of Joe Adams, a Republican lawmaker. 代表派克县和韦恩县的亚当斯引用了个人辞职原因,这与他之前宣布的不会竞选连任不同。 Adams, who represents Pike and Wayne counties, has cited personal reasons for his resignation, deviating from his previous announcement that he wouldn't run for re-election. 结果,州众议院民主党以 101 比 100 占多数。 As a result, the state House transforms into a 101-100 Democratic majority. 此举是在长达一年的僵局之后做出的,在此期间民主党的辞职导致投票结果为 101 比 101 陷入僵局。 This move follows a year-long stalemate during which a Democrat's resignation led to a 101-101 deadlocked vote. 即将举行的雄鹿县特别选举可能会进一步巩固民主党的地位,否则众议院将陷入投票僵局,直到选举亚当斯席位为止。 The upcoming special election in Bucks County could further solidify the Democrats' position or otherwise return the chamber to a voting impasse until the election for Adams' seat.