安大略自由党提议在2026年选举之前,对中产阶级家庭减税2.8B美元。 Ontario Liberals propose $2.8B tax cuts for middle-class families ahead of 2026 election.
由Steven Del Duca领导的安大略自由党提议,如果中产阶级家庭赢得2026年的选举,将对他们实行减税。 The Ontario Liberal Party, led by Steven Del Duca, has proposed tax cuts aimed at middle-class families if they win the 2026 election. 该计划包括降低收入在51 446至75 000美元之间的人的所得税率,可能每年节省家庭950美元左右。 The plan includes lowering income tax rates for those earning between $51,446 and $75,000, potentially saving families around $950 per year. 他们还计划取消各省对水电费的销售税,每年节省家庭大约200美元。 They also plan to eliminate provincial sales tax on hydro bills, saving households about $200 annually. 费用总额估计为28亿美元,计划通过审查现政府的交易来为其提供资金。 The total cost is estimated at $2.8 billion, with plans to fund it by reviewing deals made by the current government.