自由党提议削减工资税和退税,以协助当选的小企业。 Liberal Party proposes payroll tax cuts and rebates to aid small businesses, if elected.
澳大利亚自由党提议,如果在3月当选,将临时减少工资税,将门槛提高到150万美元,并向受影响的企业提供32 000美元的回扣。 The Liberal Party in Australia has proposed a temporary payroll tax reduction if elected in March, raising the threshold to $1.5 million and offering a $32,000 rebate to affected businesses. 该计划还包括审查现行制度、零售交易时间和印花税。 The plan also includes reviewing the current system, retail trading hours, and stamp duty. 自由党领袖Libby Mettam声称这项提案将帮助超过7 500家小企业, Liberal leader Libby Mettam claims the proposal will assist over 7,500 small businesses struggling with rising costs.