弗吉尼亚州举行特别选举以取代赢得美国众议院席位的两名州参议员。 Virginia holds special elections to replace two state senators who won U.S. House seats.
在弗吉尼亚州宣布了两次特别选举,以填补John McGuire和Suhas Subramanyanam所空出的州参议院席位,他们最近赢得了美国众议院的席位。 Two special elections were announced in Virginia to fill state senate seats vacated by John McGuire and Suhas Subramanyam, who recently won seats in the U.S. House. 以1月7日取代民主党Subramanyam的选举定于1月7日进行。 The election to replace Subramanyam, a Democrat, is set for January 7. McGuire的座位还没有确定日期。 No date has been set for McGuire's seat. 由于民主党在参议院中占有狭隘的多数,这些选举对于维持两院的控制至关重要。 With Democrats holding a narrow majority in the Senate, these elections are crucial for maintaining their control in both chambers. 分析家认为这些竞赛不可能显著改变权力平衡。 Analysts believe these races are unlikely to significantly alter the balance of power.