Rebecca White和Anne Urquhart转换角色,以加强劳工局对主要塔斯马尼亚席位的竞标。 Rebecca White and Anne Urquhart switch roles to strengthen Labor's bid for key Tasmanian seats.
前塔斯马尼亚劳工党领袖Rebecca White将参加塔斯马尼亚里昂选民的联邦选举, Former Tasmanian Labor leader Rebecca White will contest the federal election in Tasmania's Lyons electorate, aiming to boost Labor's presence. 参议员Anne Urquhart正从上院下台 竞选Braddon的席位 Senator Anne Urquhart is stepping down from the upper house to run for the Braddon seat, seen as winnable for Labor. 总理阿尔巴内斯(Albanese)希望保留多数政府, 诸如巴斯(Bass)和里昂(Lyons)等主要塔斯马尼亚席位也成为攻击目标。 Despite Labor trailing in polls, Prime Minister Albanese hopes to retain majority government, with key Tasmanian seats like Bass and Lyons also targeted.