国民党的目标是西澳的 Bullwinkel 席位,重点关注生活成本、活羊出口禁令和采矿支持,Mia Davies 是他们的候选人。 Nationals target Bullwinkel seat in WA, focusing on cost of living, live sheep export ban, and mining support, with Mia Davies as their candidate.
国民党专注于赢得西澳大利亚州的Bullwinkel席位,米娅·戴维斯是候选人。 The Nationals are focusing on winning the Bullwinkel seat in Western Australia, with Mia Davies as their candidate. 在工党最近的成功之后,国民党旨在通过解决生活成本问题、禁止活羊出口和加强对采矿业的支持来重新获得支持。 After Labor's recent success, the Nationals aim to regain support by addressing cost of living, banning live sheep exports, and enhancing mining sector support. 他们计划为第一购房者取消印花税,以提高住房的可负担性。 They plan to scrap stamp duty for first-home buyers to improve housing affordability. 自由党也争夺这个席位,使它成为该地区竞争的战场。 The Liberals also contest the seat, making it a competitive battleground in the region.