杰森·巴特尔斯和比尔·特雷弗轻松领先,而布莱克本仍然领先。 Jason Bartels and Bill Trevor take comfortable lead while Blackburn still in front.
在班达堡选举中,海伦·布莱克本 (Helen Blackburn) 以 6771 票 (57.33%) 在市长竞选中领先,邓普西 (Dempsey) 以 3723 票 (31.52%) 紧随其后。 In the Bundaberg election, Helen Blackburn leads in the mayoral race with 6771 votes (57.33%), followed by Mr Dempsey with 3723 votes (31.52%). 现任议员比尔·特雷弗(Bill Trevor)和杰森·巴特尔斯(Jason Bartels)在各自的部门中遥遥领先。 Incumbent councillors Bill Trevor and Jason Bartels hold comfortable leads in their respective divisions. 计票率为 15.85%,巴特尔斯以 835 票(65.39%)在第一分区领先,特雷弗以 1064 票(62.8%)在第二分区领先。 With 15.85% of votes counted, Bartels leads in Division 1 with 835 votes (65.39%), and Trevor leads in Division 2 with 1064 votes (62.8%).