哥伦比亚警官处理各种事件,包括逮捕和社区活动,例如Krispy Kreme伙伴关系。 Officers in Columbiana handled various incidents, including arrests and community events like a Krispy Kreme partnership.
俄亥俄州哥伦比亚市的警官对各种事件作出了反应,包括交通违规、家庭问题、盗窃和可疑活动。 Officers in Columbiana, Ohio, responded to a variety of incidents, including traffic violations, domestic issues, thefts, and suspicious activity. 值得注意的事件包括因停牌驾驶而被捕、沃尔玛争吵和 Dollar General 盗窃。 Notable events included arrests for driving under suspension, a Walmart altercation, and theft from Dollar General. 社区活动包括Krispy Kreme和麦当劳提供新鲜甜甜圈的伙伴关系、杰出狮子俱乐部的圣诞晚宴以及Steubenville的Dean Martin主题活动。 Community events include a Krispy Kreme and McDonald's partnership offering fresh doughnuts, a Christmas dinner by the Brilliant Lions Club, and a Dean Martin-themed event in Steubenville.