日本总理石巴(Shigeru Ishiba)在国会中沉睡, Japanese PM Shigeru Ishiba falls asleep in parliament, sparking leadership questions.
日本首相石下石巴星期一在议会会议期间睡着了,引起公众的批评。 Japanese Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba fell asleep during a parliamentary session on Monday, leading to public criticism. 政府发言人将石柴的行为归咎于服用感冒药,并向公众保证没有健康问题。 The government spokesman attributed Ishiba's behavior to taking cold medicine and reassured the public that there were no health concerns. 事件引发了对石巴领导人的质疑,特别是由于他的联盟在最近的选举中失去了多数。 The incident has raised questions about Ishiba's leadership, especially as his coalition lost its majority in the recent election.