联邦调查局提醒企业 网络罪犯使用假的紧急数据请求 窃取信息。 FBI alerts businesses to cybercriminals using fake emergency data requests to steal info.
联邦调查局警告说,利用假冒的紧急数据请求来窃取美国企业的个人信息,网络罪犯增加。 The FBI warns of a rise in cybercriminals using fake emergency data requests to steal personal information from US businesses. 自2023年8月, 黑客利用政府电子邮件地址, 递交欺诈性请求。 Since August 2023, hackers have exploited compromised government email addresses to submit fraudulent requests. 联邦调查局建议企业核实请求的合法性,更新安全措施,并与当地联邦调查局办事处保持密切联系,以打击这一日益严重的威胁。 The FBI advises businesses to verify the legitimacy of requests, update security measures, and maintain close ties with local FBI offices to combat this growing threat.