一辆巴士撞上一辆停靠的水泥卡车和SUV, 造成孟加拉鲁的Yellahanka Flyover两人死亡, A fatal crash on Bengaluru's Yelahanka Flyover killed two and injured others when a bus hit a stopped cement truck and SUV.
Bengaluru的Yellahanka Flyover发生一起致命事故, 涉及一辆水泥卡车、一辆SUV和一辆BMTC巴士。 A fatal accident on Bengaluru's Yelahanka Flyover involved a cement truck, an SUV, and a BMTC bus. 这起事故始于水泥卡车与SUV相撞时, 造成两名司机停下来争吵。 The accident began when the cement truck collided with the SUV, causing both drivers to stop and argue. 一辆BMTC大巴随后坠毁在停靠的卡车上,造成2人死亡,另有人受伤。 A BMTC bus then crashed into the parked truck, killing two individuals and injuring others. 警方登记了一起案件,并查封了这辆公共汽车,理由是所有涉案司机都玩忽职守。 Police have registered a case and seized the bus, citing negligence by all drivers involved. 在被损坏的车辆被拆除之前,交通受到干扰。 Traffic was disrupted until the damaged vehicles were removed.