在印度北方邦(Uttar Pradesh)的雾雾之夜,一辆公交车撞车坠毁,5人死亡,15人受伤。 Five died and 15 were injured in a bus-truck crash on a foggy night in Uttar Pradesh, India.
从德里到阿赞加尔的一辆双层公共汽车与一辆卡车在北方邦Aligarh的Yamuna高速公路上相撞,星期三深夜有5人死亡,15人受伤。 Five people died and 15 were injured when a double-decker bus traveling from Delhi to Azamgarh collided with a truck on the Yamuna Expressway in Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, late Wednesday night. 事故发生于浓雾中,卡车试图超过公共汽车。 The accident occurred in dense fog, and the truck was attempting to overtake the bus. 警察扣押了这辆卡车,并开始调查。 Police have seized the truck and begun an investigation. 首席部长表示哀悼,下令对伤者给予适当治疗。 The chief minister expressed condolences and ordered proper treatment for the injured.