50%的湾区居民因生活费用高和安全问题考虑离开。 50% of Bay Area residents considering leaving due to high living costs and safety concerns.
最近的一项民意调查显示,50%的海湾地区居民正在考虑离开该地区,这主要是因为生活费用高和安全关切。 A recent poll reveals that 50% of Bay Area residents are contemplating leaving the region, primarily due to high living costs and safety concerns. 不断变化的城市环境促使包括长期居民在内的许多人到其他地方寻找更负担得起的住房选择。 The evolving urban environment is prompting many, including long-time residents, to seek more affordable housing options elsewhere. 有些个人已经决定永久搬迁。 Some individuals have already made the decision to relocate permanently.