波士顿警官被人群困住;三名嫌犯被持武器和被盗车辆逮捕。 Boston officer trapped by crowd; three suspects arrested with weapons and stolen vehicles.
在波士顿,一名青年狱警在被100多人包围后被困在车上。 In Boston, a youth corrections officer was trapped in his vehicle after being surrounded by over 100 people. 这一事件导致三名嫌疑人Alan Ridenour、Mario Florian和Geraldo Colon被捕,他们被发现携带武器、被盗车辆和伪造车牌。 The incident led to the arrest of three suspects, Alan Ridenour, Mario Florian, and Geraldo Colon, who were found with weapons, stolen vehicles, and fraudulent plates. 该名警官没有受伤,嫌疑人面临多项指控,并预定接受传讯。 The officer was not injured, and the suspects face multiple charges and are scheduled for arraignment.