Ahold Delhaize USA面临一个影响药店和电子商务服务的网络安全问题, Ahold Delhaize USA faces a cybersecurity issue affecting pharmacy and e-commerce services, with stores still open.
Stop & Shop和Hannaford的母公司Ahold Delhaize United States正处理一个网络安全问题, Ahold Delhaize USA, parent company of Stop & Shop and Hannaford, is dealing with a cybersecurity issue that has disrupted pharmacy services and some e-commerce operations. 该公司聘请了外部专家,并通知执法部门,同时商店仍然开放。 The company has engaged external experts and notified law enforcement, while stores remain open. 未具体说明事件的确切范围和时间,但公司正在努力确保其系统安全,并尽量减少对客户的影响。 The exact scope and timing of the incident are not specified, but the company is working to secure its systems and minimize impacts on customers.