莫里森斯在对其供应链经理Blue Yonder进行网络攻击后面临新鲜食品短缺问题。 Morrisons faces shortages of fresh foods after a cyber attack on its supply chain manager, Blue Yonder.
由于对第三方供应链管理公司Blue Yonder的网络攻击, 英国的Morrisons超市正面临新鲜产品、水果、蔬菜和肉类短缺。 Morrisons supermarkets in the UK are experiencing shortages of fresh produce, fruits, vegetables, and meat due to a cyber attack on Blue Yonder, a third-party supply chain management company. 尽管环境食品和冷冻食品仍然可用,但这次袭击影响了仓库业务。 The attack has affected warehouse operations, though ambient and frozen foods remain available. 莫里森斯正在使用备份系统,并努力解决这个问题。 Morrisons is using backup systems and working to resolve the issue. 客户对空的货架表示沮丧。 Customers have expressed frustration over empty shelves.