在新西兰,工人因钢材坠落而死亡;公司因安全故障罚款430 000美元。 Worker killed by falling steel in New Zealand; company fined $430,000 for safety failures.
弗朗切斯科·克鲁格(Franchesco Krueger),33岁,在2020年被杀害,当时九吨钢在新西兰克赖斯特彻奇联合钢铁公司倒在了他身上。 Franchesco Krueger, 33, was killed in 2020 when nine tonnes of steel fell on him at United Steel in Christchurch, New Zealand. WorkSafe发现了严重的安全问题,包括缺乏交叉和专业化的设计投入。 WorkSafe found significant safety issues, including lack of cross-bracing and professional design input. 该公司因健康和安全故障而被判刑,罚款总额为430 000美元。 The company was sentenced for health and safety failures, with fines totaling $430,000. WorkSafe建议企业确保套牢系统稳定、定期检查和设计得当,以防止此类事故发生。 WorkSafe advises businesses to ensure racking systems are stable, regularly inspected, and properly designed to prevent such accidents.