两名劳伦斯大学的学生正在与一位教授合作撰写一本关于贝克工业的历史和劳工斗争的书. Two Laurentian University students are co-authoring a book with a professor on Tembec Industries' history and labor struggles.
两名洛朗大学学生正与Mark Kuhlberg教授合作编写一本有关Tembec Industries的书,Tembec Industries是安大略省北部纸浆和纸业公司。 Two Laurentian University students are collaborating with Professor Mark Kuhlberg on a book about Tembec Industries, a Northern Ontario pulp and paper company. Sarah Gould和Fiona Symington正在协助研究、进行访谈和为这本书撰写章节,其中详细介绍了1970年代Tembec的组建和工人为防止关闭磨坊所做的努力。 Sarah Gould and Fiona Symington are contributing to research, conducting interviews, and writing chapters for the book, which details Tembec's formation and workers' efforts to prevent mill closure in the 1970s. 该项目为学生们提供了宝贵的经验和共同撰写作品,预计将于2026年底出版。 The project offers valuable experience and co-authorship to the students and is expected to be published late 2026.