研究显示,极热可能使除颤器使用者中 危险的心脏节奏风险 增加近三倍。 Study shows extreme heat can nearly triple the risk of dangerous heart rhythms in defibrillator users.
研究表明,高温,特别是100°F以上的高温,可能会增加使用可植入除颤器的人出现非正常心跳的风险。 Research indicates that high temperatures, particularly those above 100°F, may increase the risk of irregular heartbeats in people with implantable defibrillators. 一项跟踪2,000多名患者的研究发现,接触极端热可能使危险的心脏节奏紊乱风险增加近三倍,即所谓的静脉纤维化。 A study tracking over 2,000 patients found that exposure to extreme heat could nearly triple the risk of dangerous heart rhythm disorders, known as atrial fibrillation. 在美国心脏协会年度会议上介绍的这项研究表明,除颤器使用者应该采取预防措施,避免极端热量和使用空调。 The research, presented at the American Heart Association's annual meeting, suggests that defibrillator users should take precautions to avoid extreme heat and use air conditioning.